Check the red alerts over the hammer icon (lower-right corner buttons) regularly to find new buildings and supermarket expansions. Every time you level up, you can build new areas. Some of them can be decorative and won't affect your business directly. But there are some types of buildings that you must develop as soon as possible: Farming, factories, and supermarket sections.

Factories: Tap on the build icon > Then on Factories > check the buildings unlocked. The new factories will be directly related to your Player Level.

Supermarket expansions: Tap on the build icon > Then on Supermarket > check the pending expansions. Every time you expand your premises, the Supermarket Level will upgrade, and you can build new sections (see below).

Supermarket sections: Tap on the build icon > Then on Supermarket > check the unlocked product sections. The new supermarket shelves will be directly related to your Supermarket Level.