Your police station must grow according to the needs of your criminal investigations.

That’s why we insist on this tip: you must double-check which crimes are under your jurisdiction before you unlock a new department. The small icons (semaphore, mask, spray can, credit card, etc.) in departments’ descriptions will give you a final clue to know which department should manage those cases.

Find all the departments available by tapping on the blue button (lower-right corner).

If one department receives the wrong cases, it will increase the processing time, and police officers will need more time to arrest the criminals (e.g., the anti-scam department needs to investigate traffic offense). We strongly recommend building the proper department to revert this situation as soon as possible.

You will notice that something needs to be double-checked when a warning symbol appears over an officer’s head. You will also see that the progress bar is orange. If you tap in the department which is receiving the wrong criminal cases, a message will appear in the department’s description: Overwork! Processing cases too complex for this department.
When the progress bar is green or orange but without a warning symbol, that means that the case is being investigated by the proper department and it will take less time to be processed.

Once you could solve this situation by building the proper department, it will take some time until the first one could close the pending cases already wrongly assigned.